Bergenbier x ParkLake – Trash Into Art

About This Project


Bergenbier and ParkLake have raised awareness about the plastic waste crisis the planet is facing today.



In a strategic move to address the critical issue of plastic waste, Pandorra had partners ParkLake and Bergenbier into a race to endorse an innovative exhibition curated by the insightful Sergiu Chihaia. The focal point of this environmental initiative was a distinctive chess board, where each pawn was meticulously crafted from recycled plastic. This visionary project aimed not only to showcase the versatility of plastic in a sustainable context but also to engage the community in a unique conversation about waste management.


Over the course of three weeks, the exhibition witnessed active participation from more than 8,000 individuals who actively engaged in chess matches, all while contemplating the profound message embedded in each recycled pawn. The strategic interplay on the board symbolized a collective effort to checkmate the pervasive issue of plastic pollution. Beyond the confines of the exhibition space, this initiative sought to spark a broader dialogue about the environmental impact of plastic waste on our planet.


The primary objective of this activation was clear: to raise awareness about the global plastic waste crisis and issue a compelling call to action. By inviting participants to play chess with recycled pawns, the exhibition transcended mere entertainment, transforming into a powerful advocacy tool. Through this interactive experience, we aimed to inspire a commitment to recycling practices, encouraging individuals to take an active role in safeguarding the environment for future generations.



  • Content creation
  • Logistical Management
  • PR Blitz and Media Awareness
  • Press Release
  • Visual KV
